
Arkansas Duck Hunting Friends:
Double Diamond Outfitters
Duck Season
2010 Duck Hunting Season Dates:
- 2010-2011 Duck Season Dates Have been set:
Nov. 20 (Saturday) – Nov. 28 (Sunday)
Dec. 7 (Tuesday) – Jan. 17 (Monday)
Jan. 22 (Saturday) – Jan. 30 (Sunday)
Youth Waterfowl Hunt:
Feb. 5th and 6th
- Call 870-219-3523 For More Information
2010 Arkansas Duck Season Limits:
Duck daily bag limit – six. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, two scaup, one pintail, one canvasback and one mottled duck. Duck and teal species not listed have no extra restriction beyond the six-duck total bag limit.
The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit. Bayou Meto WMA has a daily bag limit of four ducks, which may include no more than three mallards (no more than one of which may be a hen). Dogs allowed.
Daily limit of five (5) mergansers, which may include no more than two (2) hooded mergansers.
Youth Hunt Limits: Duck daily bag limit – six. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, two scaup, one pintail, one canvasback and one mottled duck.
The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.
Goose Season (Canada, Snow, Blue and Ross')
2010 Arkansas Goose Season Dates:
- Early Canada Goose Statewide
Sept. 1 – Sept. 15
Late Canada Goose Statewide
Dec. 26 - Jan. 31
Northwest Canada Goose
Sept. 25 – Oct. 4
Snow, Blue, and Ross' Goose
Call 870-219-3523 For More Information
2010 Arkansas Goose Season Limits:
Early Canada Goose Statewide: Daily limit is 5. Possession limit is 10.
Late Canada Goose Statewide: Daily limit is 2. Possession limit is 4.
Northwest Canada Goose: Daily limit is 2. Possession limit is 4. Northwest Canada Goose Zone includes: Benton, Carroll, Boone, Marion, Baxter, Washington, Madison, Newton, Searcy, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Pope, Van Buren, Sebastian, Logan, Conway, Faulkner, Scott, Yell, Perry and Pulaski counties.

Deer Season
2010 Arkansas Deer Hunting Dates:
- Modern gun deer season will open on November 13, 2010 across Arkansas.
2010 Arkansas Deer Season Limits:
- The statewide bag limit is four (4) deer per individual. Bag limits are lower in some zones.
Seasons and limits vary in some parts of the state. For more information on dates and limits per zone click here. |
Dove Season
2010 Arkansas Dove Season Dates:
- Sept. 4 - Oct. 19, Dec. 11 - Jan. 5
2010 Arkansas Dove Season Limits:
Mourning Dove
Daily limit: 15, Possession limit: 30
Eurasian Collared
No daily bag or possession limit
NOTE: All season information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please double check with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to verify dates. We are not responsible for changes that have been made to the season which is always a possibility.